Saturday, 12 November 2011

On Pricing And Marketing

This post mostly explains pricing for my psychic readings, etheric healing, Chaotic Witchery Bespoke essential oil scents and Deviations.

Disclaimer: What follows is not based on interactions with any one person. It's a "several people..." and hence why I'm bringing it up here. If I have a problem with *you* I'll tell ya. I'm direct like that.

 I wrote this ages ago, so I redux'ed it a little, but it's still spot on

"I've often heard it said that it's "wrong" to ask for payment for readings, healings and other spiritual and psychic talents. Wrong by who's standards? Ah yes, "Them" , the secret judges of morality ;) 

I give my energy, time and skill when I work for a client, and they pay me as compensation. This is no different from anyone else using a talent to support themselves; singers, seamstresses, artists.. we all need to eat! Payment indicates a professional approach; I owe the Client a duty of service... I must earn their money. It puts the Client in the driving seat, whereas a freebie, a favour- call it what you like, is done at the Practitioner's discretion. It likely won't contain the effort and attention to detail that a paid, personal service will. Someone offering free healing doesn't care if you return. I do!

While it seems very "loving" and "fluffy new age" to share such gifts for free; it does more harm than good, to both Practitioner and Client. The Practitioner is inundated with requests and becomes resentful of the Client. The Practitioner is drained of time, emotion and energy. Some Clients superglue themselves to the Practitioner, unable to go to the bathroom without a full Celtic Cross spread to examine their options. The energy in this situation is definitely not balanced!

Which brings me to donations. "Donations are ok!" "They" cry! Well, I'd rather not let someone else define what my time is worth and tell me how much I need to live on. If your Boss "donated" to your bank account, would you be 100% sure that he'd pay you enough to cover your mortgage? With a clear price and summary of what it pays for, the Client knows what they can expect from me. The reciprocity of a paid service ensures both Client and Practitioner are equal; the giving and receiving of energy then occurs with no further debt or obligation. The Client leaves the healing session or reading feeling empowered and the Practitioner is able to switch off from the Client's session without feeling drained.

Many readers and healers abide by a code of ethics which states in part that they do not take advantage of a client financially. Detractors often accuse us of fostering dependence for financial gain. I say that the involvement of money REDUCES the risk of a client becoming dependent on me. My clients come from all walks of life, but all are discerning people who have chosen to spend money on the services I offer. With free readings and healings this discernment isn't necessary.. parting with cash encourages a step back to think.

"Free" readings that I offer to close friends are not free of the reciprocity I spoke of earlier. Relationships by definition involve energy exchange. While these exchanges aren't written on some chit sheet, they are a tacit element of any relationship.

The fact that I, and many others in my field charge for our work should tell you something very important. We value and respect our time, ourselves and YOU :)

Every question I have to go find an answer for/make better costs *me*. Yes, I'm generous when it comes to my nearest &dearest, but they give me way, way more than I could ever repay in filthy Dollah.

Chaotic Witchery Bespoke essential oil scents: 
The ingredients I use are of the highest quality, because I prefer to make a quality product. A lot of attention and detail goes into these *custom* creations. Pricing reflects this. If you want cheap, go get cheap somewhere uhh... cheap.

Opinion says that I should sell these at a higher price because they are rare/limited edition. This is why I don't: I don't like to rip people off. There's a "sweet spot" between surviving and greed, that I like to aim for. The Deviations use up surplus essential oils that I have in stock. They're the little bits left over from the Bespoke blends. They actually have a higher profit margin than the bespoke scents.

Part of my motivation with Gehenna LeFay  is to make spirituality accessible to all. Deviations are cheaper because they are not personalised and nothing is bought especially to make them. They aren't as rare as buying a blend made *just for you alone*, as the Bespokes are. I don't want to build up some Elitist following who want my stuff because it represents wealth ..these are spiritual scents first and foremost and if anything is to change in the world then its the masses, not the elite, who need waking ;)
"If there is hope, it lies in the Proles" -Orwell, 1984

This brings me to  
I have an upside down take on it, but you know what? It works for me. I refuse to seek customers. I have never wavered in my stance on the issue of competition and vying for attention. "I can't compete. So I don't." 

I believe in what I'm doing, and I know I'm good at it.. if not, I'd not do it and I'd go be an astronaut, or design rockets, or make black holes and strangelets at CERN.  I also do not do things that feel "off" to me, and perma-marketing does. 

I do jokey "shameless self-promotion" sometimes but ..
I don't have a "why you should choose me!" page because the people who want *me* will find me, or hear about me from a friend. The people who want a reader, or a healer, or a perfumier will go and choose one. 

My services are specific, it is *my* time and skill you are paying for and they are unique to me. Courting mass appeal will bring me the masses, and the exchange shifts.. from it being about me and what I can do, to me trying to do what the customer *wants*. 

I cannot change to fit your mould, nor do I wish to try. I only want customers who wish to hire *me* . I prefer a small and loyal following over mass-market fickleness. Quality, it's all in the quality :)

Today's thought: I'll take Subversives over Rebels, any day :)

"It's like a vat of acid with a PIE in! roll in, victims!"

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