Thursday, 6 October 2011

Tigers and Behs and Transitions, Oh My!

I'm gonna assume that most people reading this already know of me and what I do, and also know the old "Beyond Within" site. 
Obviously there has been a massive shake up, so if you want to know what, why and how it affects you, please read on.

I'll be as diplomatic as I can, but I'm not putting it before clarity. Take it or leave it.. I can only speak from my perspective.
For nearly 4 years, I worked under the umbrella of "Beyond Within", a site put together by my ex as a vehicle for us both to work from. He realised I have various marketable fucknutty talents, and decided that selling those, along with him writing on metaphysics, would be a great source of income for him.

I had little say in the way I was presented and the way the site was marketed. "Palehorse", for that be the way he refers to himself and his carefully-constructed image, openly took his inspiration from the well known blogger Steve Pavlina.

He ran the blog, and I did the readings, the useful energy hoodoo and halves on the reiki.

Over time, it took off, I rewrote anything applicable to me and wrote some blog posts. It was a struggle to shoehorn myself into his brand, and things weren't great at home. Put nicely, whatever we once met on was gone, and we were like diverging lines.

I started my own blog in 2010 in order that I could write without restriction. As I gained notoriety with my work, PH quit writing, which struck a massive blow to our traffic.

I soldiered on for 18 months, with his energy eventually swamping me and cutting off my income.

The homelife was just as crap and draining.. his "Eternal Transition" was more "Eternal Stagnation", as tends to happen when one superglues themselves to formule and disappears up their own arse. It brought me low.. owch.

The Tower.. Violently Destructive Change.. is a huge part of me, and kicks in when I hit rock bottom, forcing me to take charge and rise up from nothing on new, stronger wings.

I'd ended it with him a long time ago.. but he ignored me, and wouldn't leave, and carried on sucking me dry, and so I got increasingly dispirited and withdrew from life.

A few weeks ago, a defiant rage at the Universe, some fantastically deep, dark karma (girly blush).. and a few other bits of deja vu clicked in my mind.

Challenge accepted =) I cut all the crap from my life, figuratively and mentally.

I feel so much better. Reclaiming "Beyond" and reworking it to fit me is part of my new direction. "Change Yourself, Change Your World" was coined by me, and I feel justified in continuing to use it, because I practise what I preach. I was gonna walk away totally, but ..fuck that shit, I'm gonna salvage what I can.

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