I got up this morning in a foul mood and felt like jacking it all in to run off and run a Llama farm, or anything else which involves living as far away from other people as is practical.
I did what I usually do when I'm pissed off, which is to put on capslock, tell everyone with a big angry rant, and then troll the internet till I feel better. Once I've worked off some of the crappy feelings I get a better idea of what they are and what to do.
Today's angst was (mostly) about feeling trapped and defined by stereotypes and other people's fail. It threw up a few interesting points I'd like to delve further into (highlighted):
Gehenna Polah Beh
gonna be one of those days is it? fuck that shit& fuck working my ass off at shit I hate I WANT TO SELL PERFUMES
WELL I'M SICK OF IT it was never my desire to have to put myself out there as a fucking wierdo freak when I spent my life not wanting to brag about it, I hate the personal aspect of writing because I feel like I'm hanging my guts out in public, and I doubly hate having to keep pointing out I don't identify with the whole she-bang. I hate the super sucky "beyond within" name which is ugly, derivative and not anything *I* ever would have chosen, EVER, and I hate the fact I was forced into a totally modern arrangement that actually meant I have to be everything, all at once because (edited so I don't have to go into my 1950s household beliefs).
why should ~I feel pushed to blog and write when I have no following? I hate having to market myself because I fucking hate people, It goes against my grain to compete, SO I DON'T
I have wanted to make and sell perfumes for a few years now. I was inspired by some I bought from an online company in the States. They smelled wonderful, and lasted much better than traditional brand-name Eww du Toilet or whatever it is, and they had a far more "me" aesthetic than mainstream stuff. They also came in tiny little (expensive) bottles and took a long time to arrive.
I got a tad resentful, as I am wont to do, because it all smacked of Weirdo Tax and buying into an image, albeit a Gothier one. I never get too far into any wankdom, because group dynamics piss me off so much I end up hating it.
I experimented with making my own scents, which led to the discovery that I'm awesome at smells. I just have a knack for what works, how it works with body chemistry, and how scents compliment, enhance, mingle and evoke.
Scent is the biggest trigger of memory, bar none, it has a hella lot to do with sexual attraction, and plain old interaction in general. It has many functions in the natural word, and I could waffle on about it for hours. You'll have guessed smells are a huge deal to me, and you'd be correct. They help ground me which is a fucking minor miracle in itself, and I also use them to create a sense of space/better personal bubble and to get into various mental states when I want to pick up Radio Psy.
I got stupid amounts of comments from randoms about whatever (insanely multi-layered) blend I wore, and was asked constantly where to buy them. Friends would go on about how my parcels smelled amazing. I also noticed I could activate them to perform various energetic effects, like drawing people in, repelling certain other people and adding oomph to my already massive charisma. I R 5ft 0 of STFU Dx
I totally pranked this guy I liked by sending him a bottle of "chick bait." That backfired slightly...
I ended up carrying samples with me and handing them out like sweeties.. and then custom blending them for specific people, and even sold a few off the record.
The unanimous feedback was "Why the FUCK are you not selling these as works of art?? Stupid woman!". So, I will, soon. Troll's honor.
As for competing... oooh where to start. I just don't do it. I refuse to get caught up in trying to prove myself on any level, as a woman, as a woo-woo, as a person.
I lurk in corners at parties. When everyone else is vying for attention, I sidle off and do my own thing. I just can't be arsed, I get a kind of apathy descend and I lose interest in whatever the supposed prize is, fast. I guess being "noticed" loses it's allure when you know you can flip it on and off in a heartbeat.
I'll never fight over a guy, because I shouldn't have to.
Any relationship you have to feed a stupid amount of energy into maintaining isn't supposed to be a permanent fixture in your life. Unless you like being vamped. If his eyes are on you because you can paint a prettier mask than other chicks, then he doesn't want *you*.
The vast majority of self-promotion turns me off utterly and makes me ashamed to be a Psychic. I will never be so desperate for money that I start trying to convince everyone, regardless, that they need ME, NOW. I'm very choosy about who I work with. The acceptable Psychic template is so far from who I am that the fucking Hubble couldn't find it.. and I can only work as who I am, and not in some generic mold. My skillz don't follow a sparkly, people-pleasing path and I have no time for anyone that expects me to present as if they do, solely to court business. The *only* reason I still offer services is cause I am not allowed to quit, there'd be too much badgering from people if I did. Also,
Mystic works better and makes me smile.
I'm not in this to be altruistic, so I'll keep going as long as I can be clear about me; once you compromise your integrity, it's so easy to get lost in, and shaped by all the fucking energies of everyone else.. it's no wonder that all the other actual *competent* psychics I know are misanthropic cunts with a hermit lifestyle.
I don't want to save the world, fuck no.
No. *pulls puke face* I do like pranking it though, and payment is a bonus. I'm no more "Darkworker" than I am
Fluffy Fuckstick.. my motivation is chaos. I cannot get my head round this constant need people have to limit themselves with labels. Maybe they like belonging to a club
I deserve every penny of my fees, but that's an old, lost blog.
Protip: Everything is for sale. Most online sellers target their audience, thus the audience is the commodity and they are trying to buy it. That's what squishing yourself into a format is. If I ever make mega success it will be because I'm sought after, not because I invested years selling myself up the Ziggurat. (If it's meant to go somewhere it will, I haven't lost interest yet, so..keep going)
I won't give anything out here that is precious, because I don't care if you don't *know* me. I know "successful" writing is meant to be about baring ones soul, and all that, but honestly, I save that for a few very special people. I'm bulletproof, but I'm not gonna wear myself out proving it. The pressure to be all deep and sharing and gut oneself like a road accident is immense and peer pressur-y and therefore hugely repellent to me :)
I'm not totally sure of the point of this, I think it's somewhere in between of "writing is easier when I stop trying to make you look" and "don't change to please the world, make the world fit you" with a detour to "venting is healthy, here I am, venting, but don't expect to get a shag out of it". Yeh..
I think time will help with the awkward feelings that there's a residual "BW" image.. it's only called that in the url, and only because it was more convenient to leave the urls alone.